Gallery Show AllPelee IslandBird Watching and BandingPelee Islander IIPelee Island Pheasant HuntGrape VinesKayak on the LakeFishing BoatOld car on Pelee IslandFish Point AerialPelee Island ArielLighthouse ArielScudder MarinaPelee from AbovePelee IslandEast Beach of PeleeBeachPelee Island BeachM.V. Pelee IslanderM.V. JiimaanTall Ship off Pelee IslandLighthouseScudder MarinaRed BarnCanada Day FireworksMonarch ButterflyBlue RacerTurtles at Lake HenryStoneman Bird Watching and BandingBird Watching and BandingBird Watching and BandingBird Watching and BandingBird Watching and BandingBird Watching and BandingBird Watching and BandingBird Watching and BandingBird Watching and Banding Pelee Island Pheasant HuntPelee Island Pheasant HuntPelee Island Pheasant HuntPelee Island Pheasant HuntPelee Island Pheasant HuntPelee Island Pheasant HuntPelee Island Pheasant HuntPelee Island Pheasant HuntPelee Island Pheasant HuntPelee Island Pheasant Hunt Pelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander IIPelee Islander II