Current Water Testing Results
To view recent water test results, please visit the municipal office or call 519-724-2931 for more information.
WCWC Fact Sheet-Small Systems & Cyanotoxins
***Absent is defined as results below the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standard (ODWQS) for microcystin-LR of 1.5 ug/L (ppb)
***Licensed laboratories must test drinking water samples using a prescribed ELISA method which measures total microcystin in the sample.
***If ELISA sample results are equal to or greater than 1.5 ug/L, it is indicative of the presence of microcystin (toxic and non-toxic) which needs further evaluation by another method.
***The Ministry of the Environment Laboratory Services Branch is the only laboratory licensed to perform testing which confirms the presence of micorcystin-LR in drinking water samples.