Below are useful and current documents, studies and resources from the Township of Pelee:
Pelee Island Destination Development Plan
CBRE Tourism & Leisure Group provided a presentation of the destination development process, key findings, strategic priorities, and recommendations from the Pelee Island Destination Development Plan, which was finalized on January 27, 2021. Presented at the March 22, 2021, Regular Meeting of Council.
Pelee Island Service Delivery Review – Final Report
- Purpose of review was to identify ways to modernize service delivery, reduce future costs, and make the best use of limited resources;
- Primary focus was to evaluate the Township’s services in order to achieve a more efficient and effective service delivery model, without compromising customer/ratepayer services or local control;
- Gaps determined were vision, corporate policies and service standards, organizational capacity and financial gaps;
- Three high-impact improvement initiatives were identified and explored in depth, including which gaps they would help to address and outputs of the outlined initiatives. These initiatives were:
i. Corporate Planning
ii. Organizational Review
iii. Government Affairs